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This charter outlines the aims of the farming community and explains how GWCT can support Welsh farmers.


  • Profitable farming alongside working conservation.
  • Platform for Welsh farmers to demonstrate their great work.
  • Portal for GWCT to share science to help farmers.
  • Show Welsh Government the great work that farmers do.
  • Engage with the whole rural community.

Farming Community shared objectives

  • We believe that farmers are the solution to mitigate climate change and increase biodiversity.
  • Increase wildlife on farms alongside profitable farming.
  • GWCT three-legged stool approach: habitat, food, and predation control.
  • Show people the work we are doing to increase biodiversity.
  • Believe in a collaborative approach to deliver nature recovery on a landscape scale.

What GWCT Wales can offer farmers

  • Support knowledge exchange between us and farmers.
  • Seek funding for collaborative landscape approaches such as farmer clusters.
  • Work with farmers to show adaptive approach to conservation.
  • To influence policymakers through practical science and working with farmers.
  • Emphasise that profitable farming comes first to enable increase in biodiversity.